• Begu Road Sirsa


How much cordyceps can i consume in a day ?

Although cordyceps is safe when taken orally we would recommend not to take more than 5 grams of dried fruit body and 20 grams of powder in a day .

Can i consume it raw both powder and fruit body ?

It is recommended to boil it for 2 to 3 minutes before consuming .

what to do if someone do not like its taste ?

its is having umami taste which can be further improved by adding honey , black pepper ginger as per the taste requirements .

What to do with the leftover fruitbodies ?

They can be eaten after the water is consumed or can be added to daily sabzi .

Is it safe to consume cordycep by everyone ?

Yes cordyceps can be consumed by healthy individuals and it is also helpful in many diseases . But patients with prostate cancer should avoid it as there are reports that , as the cordycep improves the fertility it can lead to the proliferation of the cells . Also individuals with autoimmune diseases , pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their physicians before using it .

Can i cure my cancer with cordyceps ?

Individuals suffering from various cancers adopt for alternate medicines for their cure and leave the modern medicine , but always remember when the greatest of the alternate medicine healers falls ill they themselves turn towards the modern medicine . We suggest you to complement your modern evidence based medicine treatment with our dietary supplement as scientific studies are showing its effectiveness in controlling the growth of the cancer cells . Do not STOP your modern treatment at any cost . Various healers which claims to cure cancer are absolutely fake and minting money from the patients suffering never fall in to their trap .

Can it cure corona ?

Corona is effecting every individual differently . Worse hit organs are our lungs , liver and kidney . COVID is a new virus and as of 19/02/2021 there is no definitive cure for the corona . But cordyceps has been found to be Useful in combating the symptoms of corona and in recovery phase of the patient as from ancient times it has been used a s a tonic too rejuvenate the various systems of the body . Recent STUDIES are finding its benefits in recovery and improving the immune response against corona .

Is it vegan ?

YES our cordyceps is vegan and is grown on brown rice as a media no animal based product are used in its preparation .

why there is such a price difference in the cordycep in market ?

The price of cordycep varies from company to company based on ingredients used and cost of operating the lab . we use the best materials available in growing cordyceps and maintain proper hygienic conditions , we have automated most of the production so as to minimize the human error and provide premium quality cordyceps .

Is it normal for cordyceps to have different color ?

Based upon the batch and technique of drying color of cordycep varies from orange to brown , so as its color in boiling water and its tastes , it varies from batch to batch and company to company .

what is EE (ETHANOL EXTRACT) mentioned in some scientific journals Of CORDYCEPS ?

Ethanol extract is common in southeast Asian countries and can be made at home simply by putting 10 - 20 grams i.e. (12 gram pack for medium grade EE) AND (20 gram pack for stroong grade EE) of cordyceps in 375 ml (half) of ethanol (drinking alcohol ) preferably vodka and left it for few days i.e. for 10 to 15 days This process extracts active ingredients from cordyceps and then it can be used as a tonic . USUALLY 2 to 4 teaspoons per day of the drink is sufficient . (too much alcohol is dangerous for health )

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